The Happiest Days of Your Life 2018
Comedy Tonight 2018
How it all began...
Woolpit Drama Club was formed in 1998 by David Cordon MBE from a nucleus of Woolpit Festival members to provide good quality theatre in the community and to further the aims of providing fully equipped theatre facilities at Woolpit Village Hall. The formation of this group and the productions they performed were instrumental in getting the Arts Council Lottery to come on board and fund the project. This in turn has created a Village Hall that now has fully functioning theatre facilities to professional standards.
Where we are now...
Performing many different styles and types of theatre ranging from Pantomime through to serious drama. The club has since grown and goes from strength to strength with very ambitious productions being mounted. Past plays have included :- 'Playhouse Creatures', 'A Man For All Seasons', 'The Killing of Sister George', 'Salad Days', 'It Runs in the Family', 'A Midsummer’s Nights Dream' and 'A Christmas Carol' to name but a few. Click here for a full list
We pride ourselves on being a very welcoming group and are always pleased to bring in new members either on stage or behind the scenes. To find out more information on becoming a member click here.