December 2013 Newsletter
A brief update just before the Christmas countdown begins in earnest.
A Jolly time had by all ...
Members and friends had a very jolly time at the club’s Christmas dinner, over forty sat down to traditional Christmas fare and very good it was, we were then entertained by club members with a short revue entitled Radio Days which took us back to the days of steam radio, The Goons, Take it From Here, etc were performed with great aplomb. Those of us who are a bit longer in tooth listened with great nostalgia, but even the younger members were laughing ... which just goes to show that comedy is universal and good comedy never dates. A very pleasant evening all round. Thanks to the ladies of the committee for setting the scene so well for us and Jan and Nic Pearce for devising and directing the revue.
When we are Married
When we are Married is now well into rehearsal and the cast are working extremely hard, coffee on the run, prompt 7:30 start and working through to 10pm leaves us all fairly exhausted however, with such a short time scale to get such a major production on and up to our standard, its necessary. Our thanks to the cast who have taken to the new regime without complaint. (As far as we are aware!)
The play is set c1900 and we are seeking props and furniture for the play. Can any member help us with the loan of the following: a small settee; a small low backed upholstered chair; a chaise lounge. an Hexagonal table. Please contact me by email if you are able to help or alternatively any Committee member.
Members needed to take on roles within the club ...
At the last committee meeting it was proposed that the club should have various dedicated members to take on roles within the club.To that end we are seeking members who will take on supervisory responsibility for the following:
Wardrobe; to oversee the hiring out and general running of the wardrobe.
Bar Supervisor; to be responsible for organising the bar for each production i.e. to get staff, purchase the wine on behalf of the club and be responsible for overseeing the smooth running of same.
Front of House Manager; to oversee the smooth running of box office, programme sellers and getting the show started.
Publicity Officer; to organise the promotion of the clubs activities and to ensure that the club is entered into the Woolpit Diary on a regular basis. I must emphasise that the person taking on these role need not necessarily be the one to undertake all the function but can and should delegate to others.
Please let a committee member or I know if you are interested in any of the above positions.
Future Productions
Looking further ahead the club will be mounting a production of “Alice in Wonderland” at two garden venues in the summer, we are still scouting for further possible performance spaces.
In November, to mark the one hundreth anniversary of the start of the first world war, a production of the remarkable and very moving play “Oh What a Lovely War”.
We will be sending out further details of the above productions and audition dates shortly, both have large casts and there should be parts for many members with the possibility of doubling, something to test mettle of any actor.
The cast of “When We Are Married” have had their last rehearsal before Christmas and do not return until the New Year. It only remains for me to wish you all, on behalf of the committee:
David Cordon